Thursday, October 31, 2019
Job Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Job Application - Essay Example Another means that I process requests are the correspondence between PCDUO’s and other Customer Service. The bulk of the correspondences are requests for processing claims and reviewing and or verifying of claims if processed correctly. The tasks also involve me having to write sent back letters to an inquisitor regarding balance billing, letter of credible coverage, or explaining to a provider why a claim is either denied correctly or paid correctly, and to submit an appeal if it’s an appealable denial. Be it a correspondence in STELLENT or PCDUO, I would carefully analyze each requests and cross reference it to the CHAMPVA policy manual and CSC/CPD desk procedures to determine whether to do a send back letter to the inquisitor, or to have the claim reprocessed. If a claim needs to be reprocessed, I would place the request through the â€Å"reprocessing worksheet†to inform CPD why the claim was denied, how much to pay the provider, whether to over ride timely f iling because evidence exist of timely submission, and give the specific instructions on how to reprocess the claim. My dedication to effective communication speaks well during my tenure since all my written correspondence, not once did I received a send back letter from a Supervisor or a â€Å"reprocessing worksheet†from CDP due to inaccurate or incomplete data. I always make sure that I check the policy manual and or CSC/CPD desk procedures and reference it to my correspondence to ensure efficacy and factualness of my judgment. Another example wherein I used my written communication skills to obtain needed information to respond to inquiries and provide information was when I was on active duty as a Guardsman in the Air Force. Being part of the chain of command, I would respond to daily inquiries through email from senior commanders and from junior personnel that involves critical matters pertaining to deployments,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Imogene King Theory of Goal Attainment Assignment
Imogene King Theory of Goal Attainment - Assignment Example Her success comes from her nursing conceptual system and the goal attainment goal. King developed this theory while trying to summarize a new graduate program content. Its basic purpose is to aid patients to achieve, maintain or regain their health. Her theory assumes that the focus in nursing is caring for human beings, while its goal is individual and group healthcare. According to this theory, human beings continuously interact with their environment, basically because humans are open systems (George, 2008). She links the theory to goal attainment, which assumes that communication between a nurse and a client results in information gathering, which helps them set mutual goals and aids in acting on the goals. She argues that everyone recognizes the world as a total person in formulating transactions between the environment and the individual. The transaction in this theory refers to the interaction between the â€Å"perceiver†and the object perceived. In this transaction, t he â€Å"person†gets into the position as an active participant, after which each is transformed from the experiences. Nurse-client interaction leads to certain assumptions. The first assumption is that the interaction between the two is influenced by their respective perceptions. The client and nurse’ goals and values influence the interaction process, clients have a right to information concerning them, clients should participate in decisions that have an impact on their lives, community, and health, and finally, that it is normal for clients and nurses’ goals to be incongruent. Human beings have three crucial health needs; the need for health information, care services to prevent illness and care services when they are unable to help themselves. This theory has two major concepts; the Interacting and the concepts provided for each system. The interacting systems include personal systems, interpersonal systems and the social system (Wills and McEwen, 2002). 2 .0 Point by point Critical analysis of the theory 2.1 Major concepts Concepts for personal systems includes perception, self, growth, and development, body image, space and time. Interpersonal system concepts include interaction, communication, transaction, role, and stress. Finally, the social system concept includes organization, authority, power, status and decision making. King defines perception as a concept, which influences the overall behavior of a human being. Ultimately, it is the concept upon which all other relationships too. Perception is also a process where an individual obtains personal data through his or her senses, and from which, the individual organizes his or her memory interprets it and transforms the obtained data. The â€Å"self†characteristics refer to the dynamic individual, whose is motivated to achieve their goals by several open systems. The self-includes feelings and thoughts that are linked to the individual’s awareness of being an inde pendent person. The thoughts and feelings also influence the individual’s perception of him/herself. The characteristics of body image are subjective, dynamic, learned and very personal. The body image characteristics usually change over time in relation to the individual’s redefinition of the self. Space, on the other hand, is a universal concept, whose definition depends on the individual. It is difficult to define space because culture influences an individual understands of space.Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Anti-cataract Activity of Abies Pindrow Luffa Cylindrica
Anti-cataract Activity of Abies Pindrow Luffa Cylindrica â€Å"Evaluation of in-vitro anti-cataract activity of Abies pindrow Luffa cylindrica†: A Comparative study Suchita Dubey, Sudipta Saha, Shubhini A Saraf* Abstract- Context- Cataract is the opacification of lenses resulting in blurring of vision.Oxidative stress is the major cause of many diseases including cataract. Objective- The study was designed to evaluate and compare the in-vitro anti-cataract activity of aqueous extracts of Abiespindrowleaves (APE) and Luffacylindrica fruits (LCE) against hydrogen peroxide induced cataractogenesis, using isolated goat lenses. Materials and Methods-Standardized extracts of APE and LCE were compared for their anti-cataract activity against marketed eye drops. Hydrogen peroxide (0.05M) was used to induce cataract in goat eye lenses. Photographic evaluation confirmed the clarity of lenses incubated in APE and LCE respectively. Result-.MeanGSH Value in normal lenses was found to be 2.9765 ±0.17 µg/mg of fresh weight of the lens.In the presence of APE and LCE respectively, a significant restoration of the levels of GSH as compared to the toxic control was observed. An increase in MDA level was found in the control opposed to the normal lenses (1.57 ±0.04ÃŽ ¼mol/g of fresh weight of lens; P Discussion -SOD, GSH, TPC and copper-induced lipoprotein diene formation was found to increase, whereas MDA levels significantly decreased, as the concentration of APE and LCE increased. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that monotherapy of APE and LCE respectively, has the potential to prevent cataract because of the strong antioxidant potential of each. Keywords- Antioxidant, Cataract, Hydrogen Peroxide, Abies pindrow, Luffa cylindrica Introduction- Oxidative stress has been the major cause of many diseases including cataract. The free radicals that are produced as the result of daily stress borne by the human body are scavenged by a range of antioxidant enzymes and small molecule antioxidants. Cataract is the opacification of lenses resulting in the blurring of vision. Since ancient times, India’s conventional medicinal knowledge has been extraordinarily useful in treating rarest of the rare diseases. The term cataract describes lenticular opacities that may be congenital or acquired. Systemic diseases (such as galactosemia, diabetes mellitus, Wilson disease atopic dermatitis), drugs (especially corticosteroids), radiation, trauma, and many intraocular disorders are associated with cataract. Traditional medicines have proved to be effective to an extent in curing cataract. Plants such as Embellica Officinalis (Amla) and those which are rich in gallic acid, digallic acid, ellagic acid, and tannins respectively serve as g ood anticataract options.[1] The development of the disease depends on many factors.The lens Na+- K+-ATPase activity plays an important role in maintaining lens transparency, and its impairment causes accumulation of Na+ and loss of K+ with hydration and swelling of the lens fibres leading to cataractogenesis[2] . In conjunction, aldose reductase is a lens enzyme probably involved in the development of cataract [3]. It acts on the sugars like glucose, galactose, and xylose and converts them into their respective alcohols. These alcohols, also known as polyols: accumulate within the lens thereby producing osmotic effects. Since polyols are not capable of either diffusing out easily nor are metabolizes rapidly, they may cause hyper tonicity responsible for the formation of cataract [4]. Oxidative mechanism plays an important role in biological phenomena including cataract formation. The formation of superoxide radicals in the aqueous humor and in lens and its derivatization to other potent oxidants may be responsible for initiating various toxic biochemical reactions leading to the formation of cataract. Catlin is the marketed drug with considerable anticataract activity hence was taken as standard and various parameters measured, including total proteins and malondialdehyde (MDA) in vitro on goat lenses. Materials and Methods- Plants- Standardized extracts of â€Å"Abies pindrow leaf†and â€Å"Luffa cylindrica fruit†were obtained from Navchetna Kendra, New Delhi (A registered manufacturer, exporter and supplier of herbal products in India) along with the certificate of analysis of both the extracts confirming that extract complies with all the morphological specification of colour, odour, taste along with LOD, Ash value and microbial load (Total Plate Count, yeast and mould and E.coli). Drug- Catlin eye drop available in the market were purchased from medical store in Lucknow, UP. Eye Balls-Goat eye balls were used in the present study. They were obtained from the slaughterhouse and immediately transferred to laboratory at 0-4 degree Celsius in physiological salt solution containing 1% solution of antibiotic to prevent microbial contamination. Preparation of Lens Culture- The lenses were removed by extracapsular extraction and incubated in artificial aqueous humor (NaCl 140 mM, KCl 5 mM, MgCl2 2 mM, NaHCO3 0.5 mM, NaH (PO4)2 0.5 mM, CaCl2 0.4 mM) at room temperature and pH 7.8 for 72 h. Penicillin 32 mg% and streptomycin 250 mg% were added to the culture media to prevent bacterial contamination [6]. H2O2 (0.05M) was used to induce cataract. Preparation of Lens Homogenate-After incubation, lenses were homogenized in 10 volumes of 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 1 hour and the supernatant was used for estimation of biochemical parameters. Drug Concentration and Groups- The standard drug Catlin was taken in the concentration of 1% v/v and the Goat’s eye lenses were incubated with Abies pindrow extract (APE) (5mg/ml, 10mg/ml, 15mg/ml 20mg/ml) andLuffa cylindrica extract (LCE) (5mg/ml, 10mg/ml, 15mg/ml, 20mg/ml, 25mg/ml 30mg/ml) concentrations as mono therapy. A total of 65 lenses were divided into 13 groups of n=5. Group 1- PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + lens Group 2- PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + H2O2(0.05 M) 0.5ml+ lens Group 3- PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + Catlin (KI-3.3%, NaCl-0.83%, CaCl2-1%w/v) 1ml Group 4- PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + APE (5%) Group 5-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + APE (10%) Group 6-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + APE (15%) Group 7-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + APE (20%) Group 8-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (5%) Group 9-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (10%) Group 10-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (15%) Group 11-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (20%) Group 12-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (25%) Group 13-PSS + Ab 250 mg (1%) + LCE (30%) Homogenate preparation- After incubation, lenses were homogenized in 10 volumes of 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 1 hour and the supernatant was used for estimation of biochemical parameters. Biochemical estimation- SOD and GSH levels were measured using Ellman’s method[6]. Protein estimation was done by Lowry’s method [7]. The degree of oxidative stress was assessed by measuring the MDA levels by using TCA-TBA-HCl reagent. [8] (Table-2,3). The mean GSH Value in normal lenses was found to be 2.9765 ±0.17  µg/mg of fresh weight of the lens (Fig-5) . A significant decrease was observed in presence of in GSH value in presence of hydrogen peroxide in control. In the presence of APE and LCE, there was a significant restoration of the levels of GSH as compared to the toxic control. A significant increase in MDA level was found in the control opposed to the normal lenses (1.57 ±0.04ÃŽ ¼mol/g of fresh weight of lens; P APE and LCE significantly protected the test group lenses from lipid peroxidation; Hydrogen peroxide treated lenses showed significantly low concentrations of proteins (total and water soluble proteins) in the lens homogenate (P SOD levels as compared to the toxic control were found to be significantly more in normal lens group (1.76 ±0.10unit/mg of protein) which was far less than that of the toxic group (0.23 ±0.01unit/mg of protein). APE and LCE were found to increase the level of SOD in presence of hydrogen peroxide as well (Fig-4). Result- Photographic evaluation confirmed the clearance of vision when the lenses were incubated in APE and LCE (Figure 6). Photographic Evaluation: Scale of opacity- Absence of opacitySlightly opaquePresence of diffuse opacityPresence of extensive thick opacityResults of biochemical parameters are reported as Mean ±SD. (Table-2,3). Comparisons were made on the basis of one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni test was performed between test samples and data was considered to be statistically significant when p Discussion-Cataract is mostly brought about by age. It is common to older people. Inflammatory reactions to the lens material may develop as a result of the exposure of intact lens cortex by rupture of the lens capsule. In cataractogenesis, the parameters commonly considered are malondialdehyde (MDA) and proteins (total proteins and water soluble proteins). Oxidative stress is the main marker of cataract and is responsible for its pathogenesis.The study demonstrated that AP and LC are effective against H2O2 induced cataractogenesis in goat eye lens, used as in-vitro model. Significant prevention of cataract was observed during the study. SOD, GSH, TPC and copper induced lipoprotein diene formation was found to increase proportionally with the concentration whereas MDA levels significantly decreased as the concentration increased and reached its saturation level at the concentration 20% and 30% respectively for AP and LC (Table 2, 3). The photographic evaluation based on the opacity scale (Table-1) showed that highest concentrations of both the plants i.e. AP (20%) LC (30%) maintained the vision for 39.5 42 hours respectively. It was also observed that the lens incubated in Hydrogen peroxide swelled imbibed more solution which can be a possible outcome of inflammation while the lenses incubated in plant groups were less swollen which further potentiates the anti-inflammatory activities of both the plants. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that monotherapy of AP and LC had potential to prevent cataract due to their strong antioxidant potential. However, AP in lower concentration was more effective in treating cataract than LC according to results of the photographic evaluation. There is no literature available for anticataract activity of AP and LC. This is the first study which reports that the monotherapy of both the plants can afford significant prevention of cataract. Further studies can be performed with different routes and doses to evaluate the anti-cataract effect of these two drugs as future scope of the work. Conclusion- The herbal extract of both the plants were found to significantly reduce the free radical generation in isolated goat lenses. The extracts can be further developed into a polyherbal formulation or characterisation and isolation of phenolics in the extract can prove to be a good herbal remedy for treatment and prevention of cataract because of potent antioxidant action of plant. Acknowledgement- Suchita Dubey is thankful to University Grant Commission for providing research grant during M.Pharm Project. References- Gupta SK, Kalaiselvan V, Srivastava S, Agrawal SS, Saxena R (2010): Evaluation of anticataract potential of Triphala in selenite-induced cataract: In vitro and in vivo studies. J Ayurveda Integr Med 1: 6 Unakar NJ, Tsui JY. (1983) Inhibition of galactose induced alteration in ocular lens with sorbinil. Exp Eye Res 36: 685-694. Guzmà ¡n à , Guerrero O R (2005) â€Å"Inhibition of aldose reductase by herbs extracts and natural substances and their role in prevention of cataracts†Rev cubana plant med 10 :3-4 Kinoshita JH, Merola LU, Dikmak E. (1962) The accumulation of dulcitol and water in rabbit lens incubated with galactose. Biochem BiophysActa; 62:176-178. Harding JJ, Rixon KC. Carbamylation of lens proteins: (1980) A possible factor in cataractogenesis in some tropical countries. Exp eye res; 31:567-571. Ellman GL. (1959) Tissue sulfhydryl groups. 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Friday, October 25, 2019
My Reason :: Personal Narrative Moving Essays
My Reason The process of ending up where I did was a long one. I came to this town merely by chance, not knowing what to expect, or who I would meet. I didn’t have dreams of going to a cool mountain town, or a small city to attend college; I just fell into it not knowing where I would end up. I had good reasoning, coming from a small town, I had good expectations from my prior visits, and I fit into the college life making friends very easily. After months of searching, this is where I ended up. I grew up in a tourist town at the foot of the Rocky Mountain National Park called Estes Park. It is a beautiful mountainous town with an elevation of six thousand feet. (Estes Park is very similar to Flagstaff.) It was a wonderful place to grow up, but by the time we moved from Estes Park, I was ready to go. The town had just grown to be too small for me. From there, at the age of fourteen, I moved down to a much bigger city called Fort Collins. This is where I lived and established a new life for the next five years ahead of me. When my senior year came, and it was time to begin the process of sending in my applications for college, and I was not ready. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life at that point. My mother would pressure me everyday to start looking into colleges (In-state and out), and applying to the ones I liked. My parents had told me of some pretty places they had traveled through in Connecticut, Arizona, Washington, and Colorado. Taking their word for it, I applied to a few. In December, I had finally made a decision. I wanted to go to school in California. San Diego State had become my school of choice. It had a beautiful campus, it wasn’t too big of a school, and it was very close to where my Father wanted to retire. I soon found out that I was too late. San Diego, and most California schools, had their application deadline back in November. So I had to start looking in a different direction. My stepfather decided that he wanted to help out. I had been leaning towards Arizona State University or Northern Arizona University mainly because of my sister.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Economic vale added
Corporations continue to use a variety of measures to gauge their financial performance for many years. Economic value added (EVA) has been Introduced as a very effective performance measurement and strategic assessment tool. One of the reasons why EVA is such a powerful instrument is that it is linked to market value added (MBA), which is the definite indicator of a company's wealth creation. Another reason for using EVA is that it is the only dependable and precise continuous improvement method available.Economic value added is the term that Stern Stewart & Co. Coined for Its particular variety of economic profit and gain that remains after levying a charge against â€Å"After Tax Operating profits†for the opportunity cost of all capital used to produce those profits. Many corporate managers have mistakenly been focusing on conventional accounting profits, which include a deduction for interest payments on debt but have no provision at all for the cost of equity capital. Ma rket value added measures the level of wealth creation.It beats out all other measures because it is the deference between â€Å"Cash In and Cash Out†, I. E. , between how much capital investors put Into a company and what they could get out by selling at today's market price. As such, MBA Is the cumulative amount by which a company has enhanced or diminished shareholder wealth. It is the best external measure of company performance because it captures the market's assessment of the effectiveness in how company's managers have used their resources.Within the scope of this study, the role of economic value added in financial theory, and the relationship between market value added, market value and economic value added have been Investigated. Empirical study around the market value added, market value, economic value added, traditional measures such as net Income, earnings per share, return on assets and return on equity have been employed with the data taken from 89 Istanbul S tock Exchange companies, over a period 1 996 – 2005.Additionally, Regression and Factor Analysis are applied to find the high reference firms and industries as well as value drivers pertaining the firms taken up In this study. It has been determined that market value and market value added have lower association with economic value added in comparison to the measures of earnings such as net operating profit after tax and net income. Moreover, when the annual changes in the variables are taken into consideration, association level of EVA to MBA and NV is weaker than the net operating profit after tax and net income.However, economic value added is a more powerful management tool than traditional performance measures Like earnings per share, return on assets and return on equity In measuring firm financial performance In SIS regarding the period of 1996 – 2005. Moreover, In order to determine the value drivers In Istanbul Stock Exchange financial characteristics have bee n investigated. A weak correlation between market value added, market value and internal financial measures were determined. The impact of macroeconomic factors on the market value added and market value has also been investigated.It has been concluded that inflation and treasury bill rates have a negative correlation, while gross domestic/national product and money supply/net international reserves have a positive correlation with market value added and market value of the Istanbul Stock Exchange industrial firms. Furthermore, Porter's value philosophy has been discussed to investigate the competitiveness and value creation of Turkish companies and industries. Keywords: Market value added, market value, economic value added
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Season and Scientific Aspect
Essay I started fasting in Navratri only 2 years ago and continued keeping it for both the seasons. I was more interested in the scientific aspect of fasting, i. e. during the period of season change human body is more prone to external infections than rest of the year. Also praying to â€Å"shakti†, the power or energy which is source of all the actions and is best represented by solar influences is not only part of Hinduism but every religion believes in it. So this exercise of fasting, for me, is to maintain both physical and mental balance during climate change.The rules of Navratri clearly say that, we should not consume meat, alcohol, grains and regular salt. I always take enough calories which can keep me going all day, so I don’t feel any difference from other days. There come few moments of weaknesses when I can feel that my stomach is empty and I can’t have anything to eat (because I don’t have access to kitchenL) and when I want to eat something â€Å"chatpata†and again I can’t have it(because I am not allowed to L) .Most difficult of all is 8th day when it seems impossible to go on anymore and that too in a place where everyone else can eat pizza and chili potato. The people around you also affect a lot about how you feel in these days. It’s a lot easier to keep fast when I am at home. In a nutshell, 9 days of navratri are more about self control. The human body is detoxified due to this practice. In the end when it is over I can feel significant changes, I feel good because it becomes easier to avoid unhealthy meals. Basically this exercise is effective in long term.
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