Saturday, November 30, 2019
USERS STORY Essays - Neurochemistry, Entheogens,
USERS STORY I had a really bad experience....I ate two hits of orange sunshine. I was off in my own world. Among the highlights of my fourteen hours in hell was watching the flesh burn off my hand (it didn't just seemed like it was), being strangled by the seatbelt which was now a snake, being convinced that a white schoolbus from Charlotte Latin was stalking me in an attempt to kill me and watching myself burn in hell for all eternity several times. Needless to say, I eased up on dosing for awhile, actually a year and a half, during which time I awoke regularly from horrific nightmares during the night, but now it's all la LSD!!!! KNOWN AS LSD, Acid, trips, T's, tabs, blotters, dots, micro dots, mind expansion kits WHAT IS IT? LSD can also be known by their printed design name - eg strawberries or purple ohms. LSD is very much a mind drug. It is a hallucinogen which means it distorts the users perception of themselves and the world around them. Some people find the LSD experience profoundly enjoyable, whilst others find the effects terrify them. The LSD experience is described as a 'trip' because it is like a journey to another place. Trips work directly on the psychological and chemical functions of your brain. WHERE IS IT FROM AND WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? LSD usually comes in small squares of blotting paper with a cartoon picture or motif printed on one side. LSD can also come in the form of tablets, capsules or pills. These can be many different colours. HOW MUCH IS IT? The cost of one tab of LSD ranges between $20.00 and $25.00. The cost can reduce to as low as $8.00 per tab if a bulk purchase is made. HOW IT'S TAKEN LSD is usually swallowed, and you will begin to feel the effects within 30 - 60 minutes, with it lasting for up to 12 hours. Some trips have been reported to last as long as 24 hours. EFFECTS The effects can vary widely from person to person and be unpredictable depending on your mood at the time of taking the drug, self-confidence, the environment you are taking LSD in, company and general 'mind space' at the time. The physical effects are minimal on acid, but the mental effects are enormous. As the trip hits you, colours appear more brilliant, sound is sharper, moving objects leave a trail behind them and repeated patterns are sometimes seen with eyes closed. Your body may feel hot and sweaty, sometimes alternating with chills and shivering. Over the second hour the effects become more intense, whimsical visions can appear from nowhere - from shapes in smoke, to the effect of buildings and walls looking like they are breathing. Acid tends to alter what is already there, rather than to create hallucinations out of nothing. True vivid hallucinations seem to only occur with large or pure doses of acid. At the peak of the trip, time is slowed almost to a standstill and trippers may feel that they are in a different world. 6-8 hours after taking LSD the sensations begin to subside. After 12 hours, the trip is usually over, although some trips can last up to 24 hours. You will probably still experience some residual effects until you've had some decent sleep. Flashbacks, a spontaneous recurrence of the original experience, can happen years later without any warning. Tolerance and dependance does not develop with acid. SAFE USE If you use LSD, you should consider the following:- It is safer not to use LSD at all; If you use LSD, make sure you are not alone. If something goes wrong call for help straight away; Don't wander off into potentially dangerous situations such as busy roads or crowded public places; If you are feeling tired or anxious, it's probably best not to take acid, as it will make you feel worse rather than shift your mood; If somebody has a bad trip, calm them down, talk to them and if this doesn't seem to help be sure to call for assistance straight away; Don't be afraid to call an ambulance if something goes wrong. The ambulance officers are not obliged to alert the police unless the situation becomes violent.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on War & Peace
â€Å"All’s fair in love and war†said Francis Edward Smedley. Such could be the summarization of – according to critics – the greatest classic of our time, L.N. Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Themes of dedication to one’s homeland, war strategies, fate, bravery, rebirth, religion and love are portrayed in the novel as seen both through the eyes of the aristocracy and the peasantry. The theme that carries throughout the entire novel is the coming together of the classes to protect their motherland. â€Å"There were some that adopted all the army procedures and had infantry, artillery, a staff, and the conveniences of life; some consisted only of Cossack cavalry; others were scratch groups of foot and horse, of landowners and peasants, and remained unknown. A deacon commanded such a band, which captured several hundreds prisoners in the course of a month. There was also Vasilisa, the wife of a village elder, who slew hundreds of the French.†All mingled, rich and poor, those who were armed and those who were not properly equipped fought with equal fervor. A rising of the nation in such a manner, a merging into an indivisible strength and will in war strongly contrasted the division of classes in peace. At war, â€Å"the gulf between the ‘two nations’, the gentry and the peasantry, and between the patriotic and unpatriotic elements of the gentry was greatly narrowed.†Tolstoy revered this idea because he believed in patriotism, brotherhood, and spreading of wealth. Tolstoy overthrows the idea of war strategies and leaves everything to fate and spirit, â€Å" †¦ the strength of an army depends on its spirit.†The spirit does not recognize boundaries of classes, but sweeps the entire nation and creates a mass of fighting peasants and counts, women and children. Tolstoy tenaciously held on to his belief that â€Å"the common people, wo... Free Essays on War & Peace Free Essays on War & Peace â€Å"All’s fair in love and war†said Francis Edward Smedley. Such could be the summarization of – according to critics – the greatest classic of our time, L.N. Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Themes of dedication to one’s homeland, war strategies, fate, bravery, rebirth, religion and love are portrayed in the novel as seen both through the eyes of the aristocracy and the peasantry. The theme that carries throughout the entire novel is the coming together of the classes to protect their motherland. â€Å"There were some that adopted all the army procedures and had infantry, artillery, a staff, and the conveniences of life; some consisted only of Cossack cavalry; others were scratch groups of foot and horse, of landowners and peasants, and remained unknown. A deacon commanded such a band, which captured several hundreds prisoners in the course of a month. There was also Vasilisa, the wife of a village elder, who slew hundreds of the French.†All mingled, rich and poor, those who were armed and those who were not properly equipped fought with equal fervor. A rising of the nation in such a manner, a merging into an indivisible strength and will in war strongly contrasted the division of classes in peace. At war, â€Å"the gulf between the ‘two nations’, the gentry and the peasantry, and between the patriotic and unpatriotic elements of the gentry was greatly narrowed.†Tolstoy revered this idea because he believed in patriotism, brotherhood, and spreading of wealth. Tolstoy overthrows the idea of war strategies and leaves everything to fate and spirit, â€Å" †¦ the strength of an army depends on its spirit.†The spirit does not recognize boundaries of classes, but sweeps the entire nation and creates a mass of fighting peasants and counts, women and children. Tolstoy tenaciously held on to his belief that â€Å"the common people, wo...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Job Seekers Do This Before LinkedIns Next Update
Job Seekers Do This Before LinkedIns Next Update Edited and published with permission from Bridget Weide Brooks. In September 2016, LinkedIn announced a redesign of its desktop (non-app) user interface. The announcement noted, â€Å"This is the largest redesign since LinkedIn’s inception.†The design update is expected to bring the desktop experience closer to what users of the LinkedIn mobile app are used to seeing. In the past, when LinkedIn has refreshed its user interface, it has removed features or moved them to be available to paid subscription accounts only. And with a forthcoming redesign imminent, LinkedIn has already announced that the Notes and Tags feature will only be available to people with Sales Navigator. There might be more changes coming as well that could result in a loss of your data, so I recommend that you back up your LinkedIn profile right now! This exercise will take you 5-10 minutes at most. Below is an official email from LinkedIn regarding the removal of the Notes and Tags features: At LinkedIn, were always looking for ways to simplify and improve your experience helping you be more productive and successful. This sometimes means removing features that arent heavily used by most of our members to invest in others that members tell us offer greater value. As such, were removing the Notes and Tags features on the LinkedIn profile, which allowed you to add notes and tags to your connections, to help manage your professional relationships. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, so please know that you can download this information through March 31, 2017. As an active user of Notes and Tags, you will find similar functionality in LinkedIns Sales Navigator. To see if Sales Navigator is right for you, we are offering you a free three-month trial*, which will allow you to transfer and view your existing notes and tags. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a product we launched a couple of years ago and is targeted at sales professionals it lets you keep track of your existing relationships, research your network, and find new leads with tailored recommendations. Below youll find instructions on how to download and transfer your data as well as information regarding your free Sales Navigator trial. As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions. LinkedIn There are two things to do: (1) Create a PDF of your profile. This will save the content in your profile only (no photos or graphics). Here’s how: Log into your account and click on â€Å"Edit Profile†under the â€Å"Profile†menu. Next, hover over the arrow to the right of the blue â€Å"View profile as†button and it will show a dropdown menu. Choose â€Å"Save to PDF†and it will immediately save a PDF of your LinkedIn profile to the default download location on your computer. You’ll be able to open the PDF and view your content. (2) Archive your LinkedIn data. This will create spreadsheet files (in .csv format) of your LinkedIn account - your connections, contacts, email inbox, positions, and profile. It will also include a â€Å"Rich Media†folder with images included on your profile. In contrast to the PDF of your LinkedIn profile, the spreadsheet files will allow you to copy and paste your data into your LinkedIn profile, should you ever need to. In addition, if LinkedIn removes sections with the user interface redesign, you will be able to add this information back into your profile. You can find the full listing of what is included in the data archives: Here’s how to get your data archive. Note: This feature is only available using the desktop version of LinkedIn, not using the mobile app. Also, because your backup may contain private information, do not download your data using a public computer. Click on your profile photo in the upper right hand corner of your LinkedIn profile. On the drop-down menu, click on the blue â€Å"Manage†button next to â€Å"Privacy Settings.†Once on the â€Å"Privacy Settings†page, scroll down to â€Å"Getting an archive of your data.†Click on that link. That will open a drop-down menu. You will be able to choose whether you want a â€Å"fast file,†which includes selected information from your account or the â€Å"fast file with other data,†which includes account activity and history. Choose the option you want and click the blue â€Å"Request archive†button. I recommend getting the full archive (â€Å"Fast file plus other data). Once you’ve made your choice, you will be prompted to enter your password. Once you’ve done that, click the blue â€Å"Done†button. You will receive confirmation that your request has been received. You’ll receive a notification email with a download link. When you click the download link in your email, you will be taken back to your LinkedIn profile, where you will find a blue â€Å"Download†link. You have 72 hours to download the file. LinkedIn will send a second email when the rest of the data file is ready (within 24 hours). Clicking the â€Å"Download†button will create a zip folder. Once you unzip it, you will see the .csv files with your connections, contacts, inbox, positions, profile, and registration information, plus a folder containing your Rich Media. For your first-level connections, you’ll receive a file that contains First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Current Company, Current Position, and Tags. If you get an error when trying to request your data archive, try it again using a different Internet browser, or try it again later. If you use a premium LinkedIn Sales Navigator account, export your notes and tags to Sales Navigator. It is rumored that the notes and tags feature is going away with the user interface update.Log into your Sales Navigator account. Move your cursor over your photo in the top right corner of the Sales Navigator home page and select â€Å"Settings.†Under â€Å"Import,†click â€Å"Import to Sales Navigator†next to â€Å"Notes Tags.†Now that you’ve seen how easy this is to do, make it a habit to export your data - once a quarter is probably sufficient if you don’t add a lot of new connections regularly, or once a month if you do. Save Save Save Save
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Beowulf Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Beowulf - Research Paper Example That includes the possibility of becoming proud. In the end one can say that it was pride that led Beowulf to his death in that combat with the dragon. He had become old. As Hrothgar probably saw in advance, Beowulf’s pride kept him from seeing his limitations. This being so, he went to do battle with the dragon on his own at the end of his life, and in so doing got killed. Hrothgar’s words therefore ring true. At the height of Beowulf’s success he knew that Beowulf was vulnerable too. He was vulnerable to becoming proud just like all human beings are. As Hrothgar cautions: â€Å"Ban, then, such baleful thoughts, Beowulf dearest, best of men, and the better part choose, profit eternal; and temper thy pride, warrior famous!†(â€Å"Beowulf†). It is important to see that Hrothgar was speaking from the point of view of experience and great wisdom. He saw that Beowulf was truly remarkable. He was able to do what his best men could not. He was in despair because his peace was gone from Grendel’s attacks. He was powerless to do anything about the dragon. On the other hand Beowulf was able to slay the dragon and also his mother, with his own hands. He was able to do battle with Grendel without using any arms too. Such was his power and his abilities that he was able to do all of this. Moreover, Hrothgar saw that Beowulf was also very popular. His fame had spread very far. In the midst of all these Hrothgar knew that any mortal man would become proud. When he gave out the warning to Beowulf he was not trying to diminish Beowulf’s success. He was trying to protect him in a way from his own self. This self is the self of all men. Men can be blinded by their own success. In modern life we see this all the time. The g reat actor who is able to generate blockbuster movies often becomes proud and difficult to work with, for example. Rulers of countries become blinded and intoxicated by their own success.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Caree Action plan And self reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Caree Action plan And self reflection - Essay Example At this present day, when internet marketing is considered a necessity, not an advantage it is considered the basic requirement of marketing strategy and a source of introducing a company worldwide. The key competency required to be a marketer is to be the generator of ideas out of the limitations. Individuals with skills and knowledge are valuable and appreciated in the company. Marketing is the idea of reaching out the customers worldwide with better strategies (Pride, 2006). As a marketer of this modern era, marketers have to think out of the boxes and limitations. Marketing is all about creativity. A different strategy for a new product or service can attain greater attention from valuable customers. A good marketing strategy can play an incredible role in achieving a positive image in the eyes of the customer (Hoffman & Bateson, 2010). It is the point where the marketer is considered to have brilliance in his sector of a job. To be specific, marketing is all about creating a valuable and positive image in the mind of potential customers. After graduating from school with specializing in marketing, students are considered to be creative. They are required to have enough potential to think and create new techniques of marketing by thinking out of the box and limitations. To be able to think out of the limitations, one needs to be attentive to the surroundings. It is necessary for the marketer to be the best communicator as the job requires customer dealing (Fill, 2002). A marketer should possess good communication skills either verbally or non-verbally. On the other side, a marketer should be able to understand gestures of customer (Ang, 2014). Information Technology is playing a vital role in marketing sector as the potential customers are approached by using the internet. A marketer should possess wide knowledge of information technology. The competition is growing rapidly, and the companies require those who possess
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Bed Bathing a Patient Essay Example for Free
Bed Bathing a Patient Essay Introduction In this assignment I will be exploring the legal, professional and ethical issues involved in bed bathing a patient/client in a hospital setting. I will be reflecting on a personal experience, experience during a seven week placement on a diabetic ward. I have decided to use a reflective cycle which is an adaptation from Gibbs (1988) model.This reflection has provided a systematic approach to my learning and to my nursing practice. Within this essay I intend to discuss approaches to assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating care. Heron (1977) refers to the process of reflecting as a conscious use of the self. Once one becomes consciously aware of their actions, it is easer to recognise the reason for doing them in the first instance. The first stage of this process is to acknowledge our actions by reflecting we reveal to our selves how we act, such actions are spontaneous and without forethought attention. To maintain my clients autonomy I am unable to disclose any client information, accordingly I have given my client the name Mrs Jones this is to protect and respect my clients confidentiality as stated by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. Gibbs model of reflection (1988)DescriptionDuring any clients admission stage an assessment on the clients skin care regime is made, this takes into account the clients personal preferences, the level of function the client may have to provide self-care and the amount of assistance required to promote optimal hygiene procedures in the form of bed baths, in respect of encouraging independence. The reason why we bed bath clients is to promote personal hygiene and to give them a sense of well-being it also maintain intact skin i.e. prevention of pressure sours. Bed bathing allows the caregivers to monitor changes in the clients skin condition. (Staff Nurse, during placement)It was approximately 07:45 Friday morning of mid June, three weeks into my placement. After handover I was given the task of bed bathing a female client. Mrs Jones, what I learned about Mrs Jones in handover was very brief. She was admitted to hospital as she was suffering shortness of breath, she had been suffering from Parkinsons disease for ten years, she also had a catheter instituted, she had very little control of the lower half of her body, her right shoulder was dislocated and she was MRSA+. Mrs Jones took part in a trial drug many years ago this was to help her control her Parkinsons disease coming off the drug became impossible and as a result Mr Jones is reliant on this drug, this drug was referred to as apple morphine on the ward. The basic bed bathing equipment I required was one bath towel, one hand towel, several disposable swipes, clean bed linen, (2 x sheets) laundry bags, (in this case red bags as the client is MRSA+) a slide sheet, small yellow bag for clinical waste, pad and incontinence sheet, bowl of warm water and a set of pyjamas and or gown all provided by the hospital. The client had acquired her own personal toiletries before admission this consisted of a bar of soap, shower gel, talcum powder, perfume, two flannels, (one for the upper part of the torso and the other for the lower half) moisturiser, a comb, dentures pot, tooth brush and tooth past. In addition to this the client required saline solution, disposable wipes, new dressing cut to size and tape and a yellow clinical waste bag for the disposal of old dressings. Myself and Claire the Auxiliary Nurse who I was paired with to work alongside put on our protective disposable gloves and red aprons on after collection the supplies from the linen room. I greeted Mrs Jones and introduced myself and Claire. Morning Mrs Jones, how are you this morning? She replied Oh, hello, I could be better I continued my name is Sharon (as this was easier for people to pronounce, after consulting Sister) Im a student nurse and Im going to be looking after you today, and Im Claire, and Im also going to be looking after you today too. I continued can we help you to get ready for breakfast? Yes please, Replied Mrs Jones. Before we began we asked if Mrs Jones if she had any objections to either me or Claire giving her a bed bath, as she looked apprehensive, she replied that this would be fine. We also asked if she had any pain and how her night was, she stated that she was in pain quite a bit but that it was normal for her at this time in the morning. She also stated that her night was awful, as patients in the next bay kept her awake most of the night. Myself and Claire consulted the staff nurse about Mrs Jones pain, the staff nurse spoke to Mrs Jones about her medication and said that it was not due until 8:30 and so we were asked to continue as long as the Mrs Jones was happy for us to do so. Mrs Jones replied if that was the case there was nothing she could do other than for me and Claire to continue. We explained the procedure to Mrs Jones and gain her consent she allowed us to obtain any necessary toiletries from her draws whilst I did this Claire prepared a bowl of warm water. I removed Mrs Joness personal belongings from the table and placed them in the draws for safe keeping. I wipe over the table with an alcohol wipe to sanitize the surface and place on there the necessary items we would need to give Mrs Jones a bed bath. We draw the curtains closed to maintain Mrs Joness privacy and dignity at all times. Before we began I asked Mrs Jones if she would like to use a bed pan before we continued any further. She informed us that it was probably too late and she felt she had already made a mess. We reassured her that everything was alright and we would help to get her cleaned up as quickly as possible. Mrs Jones apologised a number of time and started to get upset. We again tried to reassure her again and clam her down, we in forced the reason that we were there and that was to help her in any way to see that she is alright. She agreed with us and asked us to continue. We raised the bed to the appropriate height to avoid putting undue strain on our backs, whilst I did this Claire emptied Mr Jones Catheter and placed the bag on the bed. We decided to place a sliding sheet under the client to assist us in rolling the client. I took the liberty of explaining the procedure to Mr Jones as we carried out the task. I asked if it was possible for her to roll on her right side as I was aware the Mrs Jones right shoulder was dislocated, she insisted that this was fine as it had been seen by the doctors and nothing could be done about it and insisted that she had rolled on it sever times before. We assisted Mrs Jones in removing her night gown, we freed her left arm first then her over her head and then gently freeing her right arm avoiding injuring her arm any further, to maintain Mrs Jones dignity we placed a large bath towel over her covering her private areas. I helped Mrs Jones to bend her left leg and asked her to hold on to the cot side with her lef t hand. I placed my right hand on the left side of Mrs Joness waist and my arm across her left leg to provide added support. I placed my left hand on her left upper back. Claire had prepared the slide sheet, clean linen sheet and an incontinence sheet to go under her. On the instruction ready steady (then the manoeuvre intended, in this case it was) roll, we all assisted in rolling. Claire placed one of her hands on Mrs Joness back to provide added support and prevent her from rolling back. Claire folded the old linen in to its self, to as far as it would go until it reached Mrs Jones. Claire placed the clean slide sheet, linen sheet and incontinence sheet already folded in preparation under the old linen sheet. On Claire say so we rolled Mrs Jones on to her back, Claire were rolling you over a slight bump now, ready steady roll. To roll Mrs Jones on to her other side me and Claire switched roles and this time Mrs Jones was holding on to right side of the cot side but with her left hand. I removed the old linen and placed it inside the red linen bags. I took the liberty of cleaning Mrs Jones with her permission. I used a damp disposable wipe which Clair handed over to me and wiped away from the genital area, I placed the soiled wipe on the soiled incontinence sheet I continued doing this until the are was clean, once this was clean I washed the area with soap and water. I folded the soiled incontinence sheet into its self and disposed of it in the yellow clinical waste bag. I took this opportunity to wash Mr Joness back, neck and the backs of her legs with soap and water, I then wash off the soap and dried. I straightened out the clean slide sheet, linen sheet and the incontinence sheet and then Mrs Jones lied on her back. After a few minute, I placed the hand towel over the clients chest and with her permission began to wash her face at the clients request I used water only on the face. I used separate wipes for each eye to prevent any cross contamination and a separate wipe for the rest of the face and then dried. Whilst I was doing this Claire began to wash Mrs Joness hands with soup and water after gaining permission to do so, Claire continued down the arms and rinsed off, whilst I dried the hands and arms Claire continued to wash the clients chest. Claire removed the dressing from around the tube of the catheter and disposed of it and her gloves in the clinical waste bag, she then went to wash her hands. When Claire retuned she had a fresh pair of gloves on she began to cleanse the skin from the tube outwards and then dried the area, she decided not to reapply another dressing as she felt it was not required but did tape down the tube to Mrs Joness stomach to prevent it from dislodging. Claire carried on washing and rinsing Mrs Jones (Underarms, stomach, waste, genital area, (working outward to prevent infection) legs and feet) and I dried following Claire as she washed. The water that we used was kept clean at all times, as the used deposable wipes were not re-entered into the bowl. Whilst carrying out the bed bath myself and Claire assessed the Mrs Joness skin condition for any sours or broken skin. We applied talc to those areas Mrs Jones requested and then helped her to dress. We put the right arm in the nightgown first as this was her bad arm then subsequently her neck and left arm, there was no need to lower the nightgown much as this was a hospital nightgown with an open lower half, we then placed a linen sheet and blanket over her to keep her warm at Mrs Joness request. We raised the head of the bed to a seated position so that Mrs Jones was sitting upright. As I attended to Mrs Joness oral hygiene Claire combed Mr Jones hear to her particular style. I then started to tidy and clean the area and Claire began to document and update the care plan. Once I had cleaned and sanitised the table I replace Mrs Joness belonging on the table and placed the table close to her so everything she may need was of reach. FeelingsIn reflection to the incident at the time I felt as though everything went fine, but as I have had the opportunity to reflect on my experience in much more depth and detail I in writing this essay I felt as though I took the lead but only because I was given the opportunity to do so. Claire was fairly new to working as an Auxiliary Nurse and was somewhat inexperienced as this was the only ward she had worked on she had more knowledge of the ward setting and the type of conditions people are admitted with on the ward. I was quite confident in assisting in a bed bath of a client as I have worked in providing personal care to all type of client for a good few years now and believe that my experience as a Health Care Assistance helped me immensely. My uncertainty was of the clients abilities and reactions to what we were actually doing it, thats when I decided to talk to the client and guild her through what we were doing. The thoughts in my head at the time were that the client may not have experience the type of bed bath that we were performing and may have not been something she was used to. I felt calm but a little apprehensive due to this but could find the words at the time to ask her if this was the way her carers would normally perform a bed bath. It is important to remain professional at all times and make sure the client didnt feel too uncomfortable. I remember feeling somewhat responsible for the client as I was looking after her. I believe I acted in the best interest of my client and have acted in such a manner set out by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. I felt that it would have been better for the staff nurse on duty to explain to the client in much more depth, why it was not possible to administer the drugs at the time of the clients request rather than just to say its not the right time and the drug round starts at 8:30. Although my client had told me the truth about her dislocated shoulder had been seen by the doctors and that it was safe to manoeuvre on as long as it was comfortable it was my responsibility to seek professional advice because of my uncertainty at the time. If for any reason had this not have been the truth there may have been serious repercussions. I dont think I would have known what to do if her condition had worsened due to the manoeuvre. The steps forward build on the steps backwards or sideways. They are also the steps necessary for self-reflecting from this statement emphasised by Tschudin (1999) I able to understand that confidence in the self is quite an important quality to be have in order to acknowledge setbacks and mistakes, your should be able to learn from them and even see them as part of the overall picture. EvaluationI have grater knowledge of such issues that can arise if set guideline, policies and procedures are not followed. There are very few bad points that had taken place during this reflective experience. I believe it is important to involve the client in decision making which I failed to illustrate wherever possible this was when we redressed the client after bed bathing without involving the client and allowing the client to choose. We all have a professional responsibility to provide care to all patients/clients to the highest possible standards of care that will not be compromised by infections standard set out by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. I acknowledged limitations set out by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct, in that my knowledge and experience of the drugs on the ward was very limited and therefore I acquired help from a qualified member of staff. You must behave in a way that upholds the reputation of the professions outlined by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct this was maintain throughout the whole experience as I never spoke over the client nor did I ignore the client I showed the client up most respect. I was able to build a level of trust with theMy experience of working as a Health Care Assistance for and agency has enabled me to perform better in such conditions. By planning and discussing with the care team during handover and then with the patient about what our intentions are, what we are going to do and why, I was able to identify and minimise risks to the client. Seeing the way in which others behave or make mistakes allowed me to reflect on the point of view of others and to learn form them help me build on my knowledge. AnalysisI chose this experience as it is a procedure that I am quite confident with performing. Thiroux (1995) created his own set of principles of ethics, which can be applied to any situation. 1) The value of life, 2) Goodness or rightness, 3) Justice or fairness, 4) truth telling or honesty and 5) individual freedom. Ethical acts are executed in every day life even if we acknowledge it or not, the way we greet colleagues and clients even in the way in which we say good morning. Tschudin (1999) p175. As a training professional we are accountable for our actions and therefore must be able to backup any decision making with evidence I could see from my clients facial expressions that she was uncomfortable and was experiencing some sort of upset, during which in actual fact she was in a fair amount of pain. ConclusionI felt that the approach I took was in the right way and with the right intentions set out by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. My reflective experience was very basic I felt and did not allow for much discussion, although a lot of the experience was preparation, planning and assessing which prevented the experience to go bad in anyway. I feel that as I am a first year nursing student I am very limited in what I can do and because of this little opportunity is given to me to experience other than what I have preformed as a Health Care Assistant. I felt that myself and the Auxiliary Nurse worked well together and were able to share the responsibility equally. Overall I found reflection on my experience interesting as it allowed me to look at legal, ethical and professional issues surrounding nursing practice. Action PlanIf a situation like this was to arise again I think I would like to try to take out more time to talk to the client about how they are feeling, at time I felt like I was prying too much as I felt like I was doing most of the talking. I also feel that it is important for me to work along side more experienced members of staff or qualified member of staff to be able to learn more whilst on my placements. Although I experienced in providing personal care to client I am not too familiar with ward setting. I do not think I have learnt an awful lot on the practical side of my experience but by reflecting on my experience in this assignment has allowed me to understand professional, legal and ethical issues of providing care and the dilemmas surrounding health care professionals. In the future I would not always go on the clients say so and seek professional advice and not just take the patient word. Bibliography Bartter. K, (2001) Ethical Issues in Advanced Nursing Practice. London: Reed Elsevier Plc GroupBurnard. P, Chapman. C, (2004) Professional and Ethical Issues in Nursing. 3rd Edition. London: Elsevier LimitedGlasper. A, Grandis. S, Jackson. P, and Long. G, (2003) Foundation Studies for Nurses: using Enquiry Based Learning. New York: Palgrave MacmillamThe NMC Code of Professional Conduct Standards for Conduct, Performance and Ethics. Standards 07-04. London: Nursing Midwifery CouncilTschudin. V, (1999) Nurses Matter: Reclaiming Our Professional Identity. London:Macmillan
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
â€Å"The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse†(Burke). Lies, power, and selfishness can destroy families, friendships, and towns. When a person has power, they may not use it properly. There have been many instances where this has happened, but two main examples are in the novel The Crucible, and in McCarthyism. The Crucible is connected to McCarthyism by its model of a desire for power, unsubstantiated accusations, and the detrimental effects of these accusations. BEGIN The root of the problem in both The Crucible and McCarthyism was an extreme desire for power. In the novel, Danforth and Hathorne instantly gained power as they sentenced the accused to jail and death. They were so caught up in the power that they were gaining, that they listened to outlandish accusations, not stopping to think if they could be false. Danforth and Hathorne were seen as heroes to the people that were caught up in the chaos and paranoia of witchcraft. This was their motivation in their prosecution. Also, Abigail and the other girls were driven by selfishness. Ruth and Betty accused innocent people of the crime because they did not want to get in trouble, as did Tituba. Abigail accused Elizabeth Proctor because she wanted to be with John. Mary went along with the girls for fear that they would turn on her. No one with power had the courage to speak up and admit what they were doing was wrong (The Crucible). Because of their abuse of power, the town was destroyed. Power in the hands of a selfish person is disastrous. Power was also an important theme in McCarthyism. Joseph McCarthy showed signs of his desire for power early in his life. He led a corrupt campaign to become a circuit court judge, which was a foreshadowing of what he was willi... ...e of both of these events was victory for the victims. There is a strong connection between McCarthyism and the Salem With Trials, which are what The Crucible is based on. Arthur Miller immediately recognized this link, and displayed a great example of an abuse of power, and people going to great measures to get what they want (Brater). The desire for power, unsubstantiated accusations, and the detrimental effects of these accusations are the ways in which The Crucible is connected to McCarthyism. Power and selfishness can destroy the lives of those that possess it, and the lives of people around them. Humans are easily influenced by what others do and say, which is why people can gain power so easily. It is the choice of the powerful to use their power in the correct way. When power is misused, paranoia and chaos, as well as many other negative effects result.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A Nuclear Family Vacation
Putin’s Russia is, and may never be ready to open its doors completely to the rest of the world, just yet. When the hand of welcome is that of the United States’, Russia is wary. While both countries have pledged cooperation to promote mutual interests, the two have remained passive and obviously lacked sincerity.Take the case of the US-funded Sarov Technopark, where the Russian nuclear scientists and their western partners will do their research and conduct their tests. The joint project was to ensure that the scientists would not work for the terrorists. Five years after groundbreaking in 2000, US representatives have not gained access to the facility, which was supposed to be an open zone. The Russians gave the Americans a runaround, before finally turning down the request for a visit.The Russians are highly security-conscious and infinitely protective of their talents, skills, and expertise. They cordoned off sensitive sites or closed sites a nd never allowed anyone through. Analysts understood the attitude.Russia would not want their experts on weapons of mass destruction to gain outside contact. While this may not have been acceptable to the US-Russian partnership, the Russians appeared to have a point as far sparing nothing for reason of security. The Russians would rather err on the side of caution.The US foreign policy had not been encouraging either. They showed no visible signs that the US pursued these initiatives with the same enthusiasm as before. The US led allied forces in the Gulf, Afghanistan, and in Iraq. It will stop at nothing to oppose the use of weapons of mass destruction.What seemed to be a strong alliance between the US and Russia against the proliferation of nuclear technology had not progressed beyond take off. Where has it gone wrong? We will never know, as Russia would not provide the answer and the US would not even ask the question.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Literary Criticism of Uncle Tom’s Cabin Essay
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin in order to persuade the readers that slavery was bad. Her Christian views led her to do this and depict her characters as every-day life as she could and not be too over dramatic about everything that happened. Her story could be interpreted as a non-fiction if the reader does not know the history of it all, because she uses a very subtle approach to get to reader through making all events in the book seem very real as if she had really seen them. Stowe’s relationship with the book is that the book are her thoughts through a story. Not just any thoughts, but her abolitionist views and how much she disagreed with slavery. Stowe not only uses the book as a whole to convince of slavery’s evils. She uses individual characters and their journies (emotional, physical, etc.) to get into the reader’s head and make everything believable to the point where one thinks that the book is non-fiction.. She doesn’t use a very abrupt way of getting her message across. She tells things like they are. Not all southerners are evil, and northerners aren’t angels either. Every scene that Stowe needs to, persuades the reader that slavery is evil and non-Christian. Uncle Tom, the protaganist of this book, is used by Stowe to introduce slaves as not being ignorant, rag-wearing, illiterate people. Tom is a â€Å"pious fellow†as stated by Arthur Shelby: â€Å"No; I mean, really, Tom is a good, steady, sensible, pious fellow.†(Pg.4). Stowe also shows that Shelby is a good man himself, by showing that he actually cared for his slaves, and didn’t treat them like objects. But, you could get a bit confused by Shelby when he showcases Eliza’s little boy to Mr. Haley as if he were some type of circus act, â€Å"Now, Jim, show this man how you can dance and sing.†(Pg.5). By giving two different views of Shelby at such an arly stage of the book, one can’t really get a grasp on whether or not he really has sentiment, until further on in his and Mr. Haley’s conversation. Mr. Haley, on the other hand is shown to be a â€Å"wanna-be†higher class type of man: â€Å"He was a short, thick-set man, with coarse, commonplace features, and that swaggering air of pretension which marks a low man who is trying to elbow his way upward in the world.†(Pg.3). Haley also seems to be a man who is very persuasive to get what he wants, but seems to make hollow promises: â€Å"Howsomever, I’ll do the very best I can in gettin’ Tom a good berth; as to my treatin’ on him bad. you needn’t be a grain afeard. If there’s anything that I thank the Lord for, it is that I’m never noways cruel.†(pg.33). When the reader is first introduced to Haley, he seems to be a kind slave trader who only wants Shelby to give him slaves, because of a debt. But, he decieves the reader, and ends up being a man that mistreats his slaves often through violence. The first a reader gets to see of Haley’s ill-mannered side is when he has found out that Eliza has escaped with her son Harry (the child that was to be sold to him). Haley is enfuriated and cariies himself in an awful manner: â€Å"‘I say now, Shelby, this yer’s a most extro’rnary business!’ said Haley, as he abruptly entered the parlor. ‘It seems that gal’s off, with her young un.'†(Pg.44). Even though it might not be much to read of somebody yelling, this incident does open the door for much more disastrous occurances further in the book. Eliza’s escape is not the beginning. Eliza Harris plays an enormous role that makes the reader think and also sympathize. Eliza is a young, beautiful, courageous slave. But nor only is she a slave. She is a mother and wife also. Eliza’s biggest part in the book is when she shows the reader what maternal attachments influence a woman to do when she knows her child will be taken from her. After discovering that her son is going to be sold to a slave trader in order to pay a debt, she decides that the only reasonable thing to do is take him, and escape so she can be by her child’s side and never be separated from him. She consults Tom, and he says that he will not fight the decision made by his master to be sold, but he encourages his friend to, so she will not be away from her son. Eliza leaves and heads towards the Ohio river and Haley is looking for her. But, two slaves that Mr. Shelby sends with him to guide him lead him the wrong way to stall, but somehow ended up crossing paths with her and alert her. Once this happens. one of the biggest scenes in the book is shown: â€Å"The huge green fragment of ice on which she alighted pitched and creaked as her weight came on it, but she staid there not a moment. With wild cries and desperate energy she leaped to another and still another cake; stumbling-leaping-slipping-springing upwards again! Her shoes are gone-her stockings cut from her feet-while blood marked every step; but she saw nothing, felt nothing, till dimly, as in a dream, she saw the Ohio side, and a man helping her up the bank.†(Pg.62). Stowe draws a vivid image through her writing of this scene, of a mother’s struggle to keep son’s life with her and not in the hands of anybody else. Struggle is also seen, not just for life, but for what was morally right as a Christian. Senator John Bird was one of the people who voted in favor of the Fugitive Slave Act, clearly showing that he was not about to help any type of runaway slaves. But, his wife was a very Christian woman with morality that ran through her veins, and she lived by the Bible. Her struggle was to convince her husband that slavery was wrong and he should not agree with the law passed, because the Bible says that good will to all men was a must. Mrs. Bird informs, â€Å"Now, John, I don’t know anything about politics, but I can read my Bible; and there I see that I must feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the desolate.†(Pg.82). By this, the reader has already been influenced positively and negatively by so many of the characters that Stowe brings into this well thought out persuasive piece of art. Christianity was what influenced her, and powered her abolitionist views. It led her to take abolitionism into her own hands, and â€Å"educate†the country (and in hopes, the world) of how negative slavery was. Being raised in a very strict Presbyterian home, she was taught all about the value of life through the gospel. Stowe’s religious views were imprinted into her mind and soul, and they set a path for her. Her path was to enlighten the southerners that agreed with slavery and were cruel to the people they held captive to do their bidding. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written in response to the acts passed against slavery (e.g. Fugitive Slave Act). Each page of the story contains journey, experience, growth, development, and so much more with each and every character. With her characters, she uses them as her source of persuasion of the views opposite from the southern views. Stowe doesn’t come straight out and say, â€Å"Slavery is evil! Don’t agree with it!†She is very implicit with spreading her outlook on slavery (even though it is known that she is an abolitionist). Characters such as Quakers seem to invoke Harriet Beecher Stowe as a whole, for the simple fact that they are just as she was. Quakers are religious persons that helped slaves, because the Bible said they should help anybody and everybody that needed help. All the characters talked about before, seem to also take Stowe’s viewpoints. Even her â€Å"bad guys†have her point of views too. If you think about it, all that she is against is embodied in the slave traders and evil southerners of the book. Stowe does a phenomenal job of taking all her abolitionist views and putting it on paper, and conveying her deepest hates for slavery in such a well thought work of art. Her persuasion is easily seen through her characters. They grab you, shake you, and bring tears to your eyes. Stowe seems to know how to get into people’s heads. She does it just like when you have a set of headphones on and you’re listening to your favorite song, and it sticks with you forever.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A report regarding the attractiveness of alternative countries Research Paper
A report regarding the attractiveness of alternative countries Research Paper A report regarding the attractiveness of alternative countries – Research Paper Example Prospects of FDI in China Inserts His/Her Inserts Grade Inserts Contents Contents 2 Potential return on FDI in China 3 Tax benefits 4 Special Economic Zones 4 FDI confidence index 4 Bibliography 5 Potential return on FDI in China China’s persistence in attracting FDI is one good reason why future investors are attracted to its large market. Economies of scale make it better for the multinationals in China to be located in same areas and share information. China provides a lot of incentives to companies that plan on investing. According to some statistics, in 2008 china was the most attractive country for FDI. China is a country with where cheap labor is easily available giving a cost advantage to the companies investing. (Diego Quer, 2008) Moreover, China is largely a buyer’s market keeping in mind the country’s population of 1.3 billion people. And with time there is an expectation that the purchasing power of Chinese residents is likely to increase sharply because of the lower rates of inflation and a good annual GDP growth rate of 8 % for the country. To top it all China’s government recently has eased down the regulations and laws concerning foreign investment in China. As a result of these incentives a lot of companies invested in China and as according to research FDI flows into china were of about 83.5 billion dollars which grew to 108.3 billion in 2008 with continued investment announcements and a positive investor outlook. (Jianhong Qi, 2008) The trend of FDI in China has changed since 2001 after it joined WTO. Since then until now foreign investors who have invested in China have formed companies entirely owned by foreign capital. Other than industry and hi-tech foreign investment is also allowed in the financial services, insurance and banking sectors. (Jianhong Qi, 2008) Tax benefits Most of the benefits that the Chinese government offers to foreign investors investing in China are in the form of tax benefits. These include customs and income tax benefits which are given for investing in a particular special economic zone. Also value added tax benefits are offered. These benefits are approved mostly depending on the nature of investment. (Diego Quer, 2008) Special Economic Zones Talking of the Special Economic Zones in China, there are 5 zones in the south of China here tax benefits are offered. These tax benefits include a corporate tax of 15%, a tax exemption for the first two years of operation along with a tax rate of 12.5% for another three years, a 6 years tax exemption for projects in environment protection, infrastructure and energy. (Kandil, 2011) There are similar benefits offered for investment made in Shanghai where there are 5 development zones specializing in agriculture, financial services etc. FDI confidence index The foreign direct investment confidence index provides a unique look for companies intending to invest internationally giving them an insight of the present and future prospects. This survey is conducted by A.T. Kearney Since the year 2002 China was a top ranked destination for foreign investors. Also according to the 2010 FDI confidence index China holds the top position among the 25 countries with high confidence of investors. This index and optimism of investors is an indication of a strong economy. (Kandil, 2011) Bibliography Diego Quer, E. C. (2008). Foreign Direct Investment in China: Beyond the Representative Office. Journal of Asia Business Studies , 50. Jianhong Qi, H. L. (2008). Spillover effect of FDI on Chinas knowledge creation. Chinese Management Studies , 50. Kandil, M. (2011). Financial flows to developing and advanced countries: determinants and implications. International Journal of Development Issues , 50.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
6 Essential Formatting Tips for Academic Papers
6 Essential Formatting Tips for Academic Papers 6 Essential Formatting Tips for Academic Papers Writing a good paper is one thing; making it look professional is another thing entirely. Yet the presentation of your work can affect its clarity, as well as creating a good (or bad) first impression for your reader. As such, formatting is essential. But Microsoft Word is a bloated, unwieldy beast of a word processor, with a huge array of options. Luckily, then, we’ve prepared this quick guide to the basics of formatting an academic document. 1. Headings and Styles The â€Å"Styles†in Microsoft Word are preformatted text styles that you can customize and use in your work, thereby ensuring formatting is applied consistently throughout a document. The Styles menu. Perhaps the most important are the â€Å"Heading†styles, as these also let you automatically generate a dynamic table of contents. 2. Give Yourself Space Tightly packed text is difficult to read, so make sure to use paragraph and line spacing effectively. Paragraph spacing refers to the gap between paragraphs in your document that appears when you hit return. Line spacing is the space between each line within a paragraph (many schools require papers to be double spaced). Line and paragraph spacing can both be adjusted via the â€Å"Paragraph†section of the â€Å"Home†tab. Adjusting line spacing. 3. What’s Your Alignment? As much as we’d love this to be about DD, we’re actually talking about text alignment (i.e. the way text is presented in a document). Left aligned, centered, right aligned and justified text. Generally, â€Å"Justified†looks neatest for the main text in a paper since it creates neat blocks, but you might want to use â€Å"Centered†or â€Å"Left†for headings. As with line and paragraph spacing, text alignment can be adjusted using the â€Å"Paragraph†options. 4. Marginal Interests If you check your college style guide, you might find that it specifies a size for the margins in your document. This can be adjusted via the â€Å"Margins†button on the â€Å"Page Layout†tab. Margin size, as well as other page layout options. If your style guide doesn’t offer any advice, we suggest around 1.5†for the left margin and 1†for the right margin. This looks tidy while giving plenty of space for feedback. 5. We’ve Got Your Number Ever printed a 20,000 word paper and then dropped the entire thing on the floor? If so, you’ll know how important page numbers can be for keeping everything in order. Basic page numbers can be added quickly via the â€Å"Page Number†menu in the â€Å"Insert†tab. For longer documents, you might also want to check out some of the advanced options. Adding page numbers. 6. Time for a Break Not a rest, silly goose. Page and section breaks. These let you start a new chapter on a new page, ensuring your document looks tidy whatever changes you make while editing. A page break simply begins on a new page, whereas a section break can also be used to apply different styles of formatting to different parts of a document. Both can be added via the â€Å"Breaks†menu on the â€Å"Page Layout†tab in Microsoft Word. Page and section breaks.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT - Essay Example 19). Subject to its wide market network, high quality of its products, and the diversity of its products, Starbucks enjoys a magnificent customer base in the coffee other blend- drinks industry. In the report, the paper identifies the stakeholders groups of the company, its key competitors, and an analysis of its current strategy. The paper will also derive some recommendations on the company’s current strategy. Findings Starbucks Stakeholder Groups Starbucks stakeholders groups refer to persons, groups, or organization that has interest or concern in the company. The company’s stakeholders fall into three categories, which include primary stakeholders, secondary stakeholders, and public stakeholders (Bruhn-Hansen, 2012, p. 19). They specifically entail the shareholders who invented in the company’s shares, customers who purchase the company’s products and employees who work for the company across the world. The stakeholders also include the suppliers who provide raw materials to the company and farmers who produce coffee and benefit from the comprehensive programs that the company initiates to help farmers. Recently, families residing within the Silver Spring, Maryland community with children aged five and under became stakeholders. Governments and government agencies in countries where the Starbucks Company operates are also stakeholders in the company (Bruhn-Hansen, 2012, p. 19). Moreover, non-governmental organizations, which partner with Starbucks Company like Conservation International and Ecologic Enterprise Ventures are also stakeholders of the company. Additionally, all the communities that benefit from the company’s corporate social responsibility are stakeholders of Starbucks Company. Ultimately, franchisees that purchase the right to use the company’s trademarks, related brands, and proprietary knowledge for purposes of opening branches across the world also form part of Starbucks stakeholders. Starbucks Key Competitors Starbucks has close competitors in specialty coffee shops, doughnut shops, and quick service restaurants. Indeed, the completion comes from different sectors across the world thus demeaning the company’s market share. Caribou Coffee, which is specialty coffeehouse with 415 stores in the US, is one of the closest competitors of Starbucks Company. Second Cup which is a Canadian franchiser dealing in coffee is also a significant competitor alongside Java Centrale. Another major competitor is the privately owned Dunkin Donuts, which has about 5,000 stores in the U.S dealing with both doughnuts and coffee. Nestle S.A, which is a Swiss multinational food and Beverage Company and the largest food company in the world in terms of revenues offers great competition to Starbucks market share. Additionally we also have Darden Restaurants, Inc., which are a multi-brand restaurant operator and Yum! Brands, Inc., Another worthy competitor is the McDonald, which is actually t he world’s largest fast-food chain restaurant (Mourdoukoutas, 2013, p. 1). McDonalds sells its products at a relatively lower price than Starbucks Company thus offering price competition. Indeed, since its upgrade in 2006, McDonalds is becoming an emerging competitor. More so, Panera’s Bread, which offers ambiance of casual dining, is also a competitor of Starbucks Company. Starbucks Company Current Strategy Starbucks adopts various
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