Thursday, January 9, 2020
Animal testing Essay - 865 Words
The Use of animals for Laboratory Testing There has been an on going debate on whether to use animals for laboratory testing. There are people now saying the use of animals in laboratory testing is not necessary and there are other alternatives. Many of these people claim the tests that are performed on the animals are not particularly valid. On the other hand, others claim that laboratory testing has been depended on animals to achieve medical advances. Whether or not the use of animals in laboratory test is a matter of opinion. It will take the necessary investigation and consideration to figure out what needs to be done. Taking a closer look at each issue will help to show the use of laboratory testing should not be†¦show more content†¦The side effects of the eye test are redness, swelling, ulceration, bleeding, and blindness. Acute toxicity test effects are even worse. They include convulsions, labored breathing, Brigman Page 2 malnutrition, skin eruptions, and bleeding from the eyes. The side effects of the skin test are redness of the skin, inflammation, weeping, and scabbing. The animals may also suffer symptoms such as abdominal pains and cramps, vomiting, paralysis, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and bleeding ulcers. When all of the experiments are finished all of the animals is killed (Chea). Another issue of using animals in laboratory is it’s unnecessary. History has shown that many important medical advances have been made by clinical research and close observations of human patients, not animals. A study done by Vincent, at a Animal Research Medical Center found that the researchers are doing useless lung experiments on dogs. They would remove sixty-eight percent of those foxhound’s lungs and forced then to run on treadmills with masks placed over their faces. To fit the mask, the dog canine teeth are cut down. After exercises are completed, the dogs are killed and their lungs are examined. â€Å"The conclusion that has been reached is that tremendous pain and suffering are being inflicted upon helpless animals under the guise of research, and the results being attained or admittedly on no benefits to mankind†(Vincent 17). In most cases the drugsShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing678 Words  | 3 Pages Animal testing is a controversial topic in today’s society, much more than it was 100’s of years ago. Testing on animals was practiced long ago, and is still practiced today. Greek writings about vivisection [the dissection of a live organism] can be found dated as early as 500 BC. At that time, in Ancient Rome and Alexandria, and later in Greece, vivisection was originally practiced on human criminals, but prohibitions on the mutilation of the human body soon arose. This caused a reliance on animalsRead MoreTesting On Animals : The Dangers Of Animal Testing1375 Words  | 6 Pagesnumber of animals that undergo constant suffering in the name of human vanity. Animal testing was originally introduced in the early 20th century and is still prominent today. It is morally unacceptable to experiment on animals for human purposes. The procedures used in animal testing are cruel and inhumane, nor are they the most reliable source of data; resulting in many mishaps. Moreover , with the perpetual advancements in technology, there are several alternative methods making animal testing unnecessaryRead MoreHuman Testing : The Benefits Of Animal Testing802 Words  | 4 PagesAnimal testing has helped us for years discover cures for sickness in humans and sometimes even animals. But as long as they test the animals humanely, animals can be tortured with pain from the testing. However many efforts are being made to reduce the testing to a minimum. 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The real questionRead MoreThe Negatives of Animal Testing1027 Words  | 5 Pageshave been tested on animals; from lipstick and shampoo to dish soap and foot powder. Even the white ink on an MM has been tested on animals. To some, this statement may be alarming and even disturbing – to others it may not mean much at all. Either way, the debate over animal testing has gained much popularity in recent decades. Animal testing has been done since at least 500 BC; even Aristotle experimented on animals for scientific reasoning. Around 200 AD, dissecting animals in public was actuallyRead More Animal Testing Essay710 Words  | 3 Pagesanimal testing â€Å"Beauty without cruelty†is the outcry that can be heard from animal right activists around the world. The FDA does not require companies to perform tests on animals but if the cosmetic product contains chemicals that can be seen as toxins, testing becomes a necessity. There are currently thirteen safety tests that are performed on animals. 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